Though it is small, I couldn't be more enamored with this stubby screwdriver. It is the Empire State Building to my eyes. The fact that this Snap-On screwdriver cost a mere $1 only makes it more endearing.

Today - Friday - is not even garage saling day. I was running late, but decided to swing by real quick like. I am the luckiest fella in town. Check out this nice big box of thumbscrew hose clamps ($5). Not only are they golden era of hot rodding period correct, but they darn practical when it comes to roadside repairs.

A nice Glare-Proof rear view mirror ($1) made by everyone's favorite accessory company, Guide. Don't believe me? Go search for 'guide headlights' on eBay.

Holy mackeral! My heros are machinists and engineers, hot rodders and engine builders, rocket scientists and astronauts, scientists and mathematicians, architects and barnstormers. After a quick run through the washing machine, I have been wearing this wonderful machinist's smock ($4) all day. I immediately stocked the pocket with the one true pen (Uniball Micro Black), the one true pencil (the Blackwing 602), a pocket scale and a tire pressure gauge. Tomorrow I will buy one of those mega-powerful LED penlights. I hope I can find an un-ironic pocket protector as I plan to wear this fine garment for the rest of my life and would hate to live another 50 years with a pocket ink spot.