Sunday, August 07, 2005

Free is Cheaper than Cheap!

Use to be a time when a fellow could ship some hogs to Portland, get a Buick dealership, order six cars, print up some giant embossed aluminum business cards and open the finest garage in the West. We always thought Hooptyrides was the finest garage in the West but after seeing this operation, I am not so sure. Note the Buick, Dodge Brothers or Peerless automobile going in the west side of the building and a similar vehicle exiting on the east side.

From the Twin Falls Local Newspaper Index, Twin Falls Library, 1909:

Twin Falls, shipping hogs to Portland. 1/22/09-5 Visited Buhl. 1/22/09-8 1/29/09-11 Has agency to sell Buick cars. 2/19/09-8 Buick article. 3/19/09-7 Six Buicks arrive; purchased Alcazar rink building for garage. Will also open hardware store in Boyd building. 3/26/09-5 Record run home from Salmon River; 36 miles in 1-1/4 hours. 4/09/09-1 Constructing garage for car repair. 4/23/09-5 Planning new store. 6/4/09-5 Stock arriving. 7/16/09-5 New hardware store opened. 7/30/09-5 In Buhl. 12/24/09-4
That clip reads like a damn novel! March 19 six Buicks arrive, a week later Carl sets a record drive from Salmon River and he begins constructing a car repair garage two weeks later. What did you do this month?

Now, I didn't pay a penny, a nickel or a dime for that embossed aluminum plate. It was being trampled under a bunch of old papers in the garage and the owners were surprised that I had found it. They turned up their nose when I showed it to them. They acted like I was trying to hand them a turd. I paid $1 for the Redington Counting Machine and the Lind Automobile advert was thrown in. And, yes, the Redington works swell.

Used to be a time you could have a pretty good counting machine concern in Chicago, Illinois. Or could be in the hog and Buick business. Visit Buhl in January and open a hardware store there before the end of the year.