Everybody's asking, when is the Hooptyrides store going to be open so that we show our dedication to the Hoopty cause with our open wallets?
Good question. I wonder, too. Naturally, I am outsourcing cause the internet beats me everytime and the hold up, invariably, is my lack of attention to getting it finished. Once again, I blame the sheer number of projects that I have going. Honest, if lackluster.
Frustratingly, I am piss poor at getting across the look that I am after. With each iteration, I would say, 'More tacky! Cheaper! Garish! Like Bozo's popcorn box under the circus bleachers!' and like any sensible designer - thinking I was intoxicated - they kept returning nicer and nicer work. So, I mocked up this terrific confection! Why I'd buy anything the fellow was selling! Lead me to your snake oil, kind sir!